Attorney Training: “Mediation—Preparation, Advocacy and Outcome”

How do attorneys learn to effectively advocate in mediation? Cook Mediation offers a complimentary training program entitled “Mediation—Preparation, Advocacy and Outcome.”

The program is an interactive experience aimed at attorneys who have limited experience mediating a litigated dispute, although it is certain to cover material that even experienced litigators will find helpful. The ideal class size is 6 to 20 attorneys. And the program is customized, tailored to address those topics that you want to cover.

This program can be in-person or hybrid; run from 60 to 90 minutes; and should include the participation of, and a robust exchange with, one or more of your firm’s experienced litigators. Among the topics available:

  •  Preparing for mediation:  risk assessment / case value, pre-mediation exchange of demands / offers, insurance, allocation among multiple defendants, answering tough questions

  • Arranging a mediation:  selecting a mediator, when to mediate, in-person or virtual

  • Advocating in mediation:  pre-mediation call, mediation briefs, who should attend

  • Mediation ethics:  honesty during negotiations, representing multiple plaintiffs

  • Mediation mechanics:  positional bargaining, where to start, making moves, the “midpoint,” bracketing, mediator proposals

An in-person presentation is preferred—and thus this is a great opportunity to get your litigation team in the office.  If you’d like to get discuss, let me know.  If you’d like to get a program on calendar, let’s find a date that works.

(This program is certified by the State Bar of California for one hour of MCLE credit.)


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