Attorney Training: “Mediation—Preparation, Advocacy and Outcome”
How do attorneys learn to effectively advocate in mediation? Cook Mediation offers a complimentary training program for your law firm or bar organization entitled “Mediation—Preparation, Advocacy and Outcome.”
The program is an interactive experience aimed at attorneys who have limited experience mediating a litigated dispute, although it is certain to cover material that even experienced litigators will find helpful. The program can be customized, tailored to address those topics that you want to cover. The program should include the participation of, and a robust exchange with, one or more of your firm’s experienced litigators. Among the topics covered:
Preparing for mediation: risk assessment / case value, pre-mediation exchange of demands / offers, insurance, answering tough questions
Arranging a mediation: selecting a mediator, when to mediate, in-person or virtual, who should attend
Advocating in mediation: pre-mediation call, mediation briefs
Mediation ethics: honesty during negotiations
Mediation mechanics: positional bargaining, where to start, making moves, the “midpoint,” bracketing, mediator proposals
An in-person presentation is preferred—and thus this is a great opportunity to get your litigation team in the office. If you’d like to get discuss, let me know. If you’d like to get a program on calendar, let’s find a date that works.
(This program is certified by the State Bar of California for one hour of MCLE credit.)