For almost two decades, Philip Cook has been a private mediator, court-appointed settlement officer, mediator and neutral evaluator. As both a neutral and an advocate for litigants, whether representing some of the nation’s largest businesses or individuals, Phil has participated in hundreds of successful mediations. He understands the process, puts in the time to understand your case, and commits to creatively—and persistently—exploring all settlement options.


Philip Cook founded Cook Mediation in 2015, devoting an increasing portion of his time as a business trial lawyer to working with parties to resolve their lawsuits. He has been an approved voluntary settlement officer for the California Court of Appeal since 2004. He also was a court-appointed early neutral evaluator and mediator for the Los Angeles County Superior Court beginning in 2006. Since 2015, Phil has been an approved Panel Mediator for the U.S. District Court, Central District of California. He draws upon three decades of experience as a multi-state trial lawyer to understand and help resolve complex disputes.

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